Baton Rouge Medicaid Planning Lawyers

Helping Families Plan for the Future

A critical aspect of an estate plan that many people overlook is planning for Medicaid. Medicaid is a government program that provides health insurance benefits to over 72 million Americans. It is an important program that can help ensure you have the care you need as you get older. Planning for Medicaid can also help you avoid exhausting all of your resources and assets on nursing home and healthcare costs. At Losavio & DeJean, LLC, The Louisiana Elder Law Firm, our experienced Medicaid attorneys in Baton Rouge can determine your eligibility and help you apply for Medicaid.

Protect Your Home from Medicaid Estate Recovery

Do not lose your home to the State of Louisiana because you had to stay in a nursing home before you passed away.

We can protect your home from estate recovery. We have developed innovative and creative strategies to protect the home from Louisiana Medicaid estate recovery.

Under 42 U.S.C. 1396p(b) and LA R.S. 46:153.4, payments made for nursing facility services, Home Community Based Services (HCBS), and related hospital and prescription drug services must be recovered from the estate of an individual who was 55 years or older when services were received and paid for by Medicaid through the Louisiana Department of Health.

Preserve Your Estate & Ensure Your Quality of Life

As you age, you may find yourself in need of long-term healthcare. While this can be uncomfortable to talk about, planning for your future healthcare and nursing home costs is an integral part of estate planning that should not be left to chance. By working with an experienced estate planning lawyer, you can determine your eligibility for Medicaid and plan for the future.

Medicaid planning can help you prepare for:

  • Obtaining quality long-term care
  • Protecting your assets and savings
  • Protecting your home from estate recovery
  • Qualifying for VA Benefits

Our Medicaid planning attorneys in Baton Rouge can help you with all aspects of estate planning. We have over four decades of experience and know the ins and outs of the Medicaid application process. Contact us for a complimentary phone consultation to discuss your situation and determine your best course of action.

Do You Need A Lawyer To Get Medicaid?

Are you 65 or above? Do you need Medicaid coverage, a nursing home, or long-term care? The process may seem impossible, the consultation of a lawyer will not only give you peace of mind, but it will also make sure you are getting the most possible benefits.

Medicaid has a variety of programs, each with different rules that may seem confusing. An unexplained expense may be treated as a disqualifying factor. The application and planning process will need the guidance of an elder law attorney, specifically in submitting an application for nursing home benefits. The process may take several months. With the help of an elder law attorney, you may be able to qualify for benefits as early as possible and help with any questions you may have along the way.

The attorneys at Losavio & DeJean, LLC are experienced in a wide variety of Medicaid cases and processes. Give us a call today to go over your case and schedule a consultation!

We Can Incorporate Medicaid Planning into Your Estate Plan

In addition to helping you navigate the complex rules concerning Medicaid, we can also help you determine your eligibility for other important government benefit programs, including disability insurance benefits and Supplement Security Income through the veteran’s benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs.

We know these conversations are challenging to have. Our estate planning lawyers at Losavio & DeJean, LLC, offer every client compassionate and empathetic legal representation that considers the whole person. When you hire one of our Medicaid planning attorneys in Baton Rouge, you can be sure you are getting the experienced legal representation that puts you and your needs first.