pooled income trust

Is a Pooled Income Trust Right for You?

A pooled income trust is a charitable trust created and maintained by a qualified non-profit organization. The trust receives contributions from people, families, or other entities and then invests the contributions to provide dividends for the trust’s beneficiaries. Beneficiaries will then obtain income distributions during their lives. However, after they have passed away, the trust…

probate louisiana

What is Probate?

When an individual passes away, the ownership of their property and assets will be transferred to their rightful heirs through a legal process known as probate. However, one thing to understand is that in Louisiana, the probate process is unique. For starters, the laws in the state do not technically use the term probate. Rather,…


Successions and Probate Process in Louisiana: Navigating Estate Administration

Dealing with the probate process in Louisiana can be unnerving, especially during emotionally challenging times. That is why it is essential for individuals who have lost a loved one to understand the critical steps involved in probate administration as they navigate the distribution of their estate. In the below article, we will provide a basic…


Protecting Your Assets from Long-Term Care Costs in Louisiana: Medicaid Planning

Long-term care services can be incredibly costly, and more importantly, these costs are usually not included in most health insurance plans. That is why it is critical that individuals plan ahead and consider Medicaid planning as an option when it comes to long-term care planning. In the following article, we will discuss Medicaid planning in…